Are you ready to go the distance with Tarot?
Tarot Life Mastery
Everything you need to master Tarot
- Access the complete 14+ hour masterclass on Tarot and the Mystic Arts
- Discover the language of elements, symbols, geometry, and number hidden beneath the cards.
- Explore what Tarot can mean as a blueprint for spiritual transformation

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In This Online Course, You'll Discover...
- The 9 Secrets of Tarot...
- The Essential Structure of the Tarot...
- How Tarot fits with Astrology, Numerology, Qabalah, the Tree of Life, Hermeticism, and more...
- A deeper breakdown and awareness of the cards and how they fit together...
- Conceptualizing the principles of Hermeticism...
- Understanding the Tree of Life in a practical way...
- The ultimate secret to making it all work...
- And much, much more…
What's covered in this course?
An in-depth exploration of the nature of Tarot, Astrology, Qabalah, and more! You will be guided through a 14+ hour workshop on utilizing these ancient tools for transcending your perception of the world.
Module 1 - Introduction to Tarot
- What is Tarot, how and why does it exist.
- The History of Tarot - where it comes from.
- The 9 Secrets of Tarot.
- An essential practice you can use to start doing readings right away.

Module 2 - The Major Arcana
- A thorough breakdown of all of the cards in the Major Arcana, including an exploration of the differences between the previous decks before Patch Tarot, and how we arrived at the new edition today.

Module 3 - The Minor Arcana
- A thorough explanation of the flow and sequence of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth in the Minor Arcana.
- An exploration of the Royal Arcana and their meanings, along with the new Holy Arcana - Exclusive to Patch Tarot (for now).

Module 4 - Astrology and Tarot
- Astrological Essentials - A deep dive on the 10 Planets and the 12 Zodiac.
- How the Astrological Signatures fit into Tarot and what they mean.
- The Wisdom Wheel - A breakdown of the most elusive chart in the Wisdom Wall, how it works, and how to connect to your own birthday and significant dates using this diagram.

Module 5 - Hermetics & Tarot
- Develop your understanding of the Tree of Life, what is it and how did it become integrated with Tarot?
- An introduction to Hermetics and the Foundational Principles of the Universe.
- The Key to Making it All Work - the #1 secret that allows this wisdom to become real, right now.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why was this created?
How long is the course?
Is there homework?
Will I see any results?
What do I need to go through this course?
Disclaimer: This opportunity Patchman is sharing is for those who are genuinely ready to step into something new. Every student in the program is required to do a lot of work.
To be able to utilize this information you must be willing to show up for yourself and follow the steps to get the results. This is NOT an “information only” course. You will be given assignments and practices – i.e. homework – to do in between trainings. If you do nothing but show up, you will see no results. This is not for you if you are someone who wants a transformational experience without engaging in your own life.